new years eve

Happy New Year, Be My Valentine
Happy New Year, Be My Valentine
Happy New Year, Be My Valentine
by Bill Keeler It's the day before the night before the new year. Your Christmas tree is most likely still decorated in your home and there might even be a few unwrapped gifts sitting at the base.  The ball still hangs above New York's Times Square and America hasn't yet started their argument over which NCAA football team gets the honor of being called the National Champion...
Happy New Year Song
Happy New Year Song
Happy New Year Song
If you're having a big party tonight and don't know what to play, you could play this song at the stroke of midnight, if you're the sort of person who plays 'Friday' on Friday just because it's Friday. It's Rhe De Ville's newest  New Year's song...
Interesting "Droppings"
Interesting "Droppings"
Interesting "Droppings"
Everyone knows about the ball that drops in New York City's Times Square to mark the start of a new calendar year. What you may not realize, though, is that other cities around the nation have similar traditions that entertain and enthrall their local communities. Here's a look at some of the odder traditions that will be taking place in America tonight:
Doctors Warn Champagne Bottles Can Cause Eye Injuries
Doctors Warn Champagne Bottles Can Cause Eye Injuries
Doctors Warn Champagne Bottles Can Cause Eye Injuries
New Year's Eve is all fun and games until somebody loses an eye. That's the takeaway from the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual year end warning on champagne bottles. According to the doctors, 'When a champagne cork flies, you really have no time to react and protect your delicate eyes." GAH! Shield yourself with the nearest anything!!!
Twin New Year’s Babies Actually Have Different Birth Years — Wait, What?
Twin New Year’s Babies Actually Have Different Birth Years — Wait, What?
Twin New Year’s Babies Actually Have Different Birth Years — Wait, What?
Sometimes twin babies born hours apart can end up having different birthdays, but one set in Minneapolis actually have different birth years. While Beckett Humenny was born at 6:40 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, it seems his sister Freya wasn’t quite ready to leave the comforts of the womb until nearly six hours later. She was born at 12:26 a.m. on January 1st.