upstate ny

Senators Urge Federal Government To Reverse Earlier Decision and Grant Individual Assistance To Upstate New York Homeowners Affected By April Storms
Senators Urge Federal Government To Reverse Earlier Decision and Grant Individual Assistance To Upstate New York Homeowners Affected By April Storms
Senators Urge Federal Government To Reverse Earlier Decision and Grant Individual Assistance To Upstate New York Homeowners Affected By April Storms
Utica, NY (WIBX) - United States Senators Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are urging the Federal Government to grant individual disaster assistance to Upstate New York homeowners affected by April storms.
USDA Reporting Nationwide Drop In Bovine Inventory
USDA Reporting Nationwide Drop In Bovine Inventory
USDA Reporting Nationwide Drop In Bovine Inventory
Oneida County, NY (WIBX) - Cattle and calves are down, sheep and lambs are up and goat numbers remain unchanged in New York State. That's according to the latest United States Department of Agriculture report showing the state is down 1% in it's cattle count, and up 6% in the number of heads of sheep and lambs.