Daryl Nelson
Study: Water Increases Your Energy Level
The next time you’re fatigued at work, drink a glass of water to feel replenished. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, dehydration is a main cause of mental fatigue and memory.
Gallup: More Americans Were Uninsured in 2011
Texas continues to be the state with the highest percentage of residents without health insurance, according to the latest Gallup health survey on insurance coverage in the United States.
Excess Fat May Be ‘Protective’ in Seniors Over 85
Many adults struggle with weight throughout their lifetime, but according to researchers those extra pounds could be beneficial to older adults.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University found that for the elderly excess weight serves as a protective component in your body that lowers the risk of death when compared to others with normal body weight.
Researchers Find an Overuse of Prostate Cancer Treatment in older Men
Treatment isn’t always needed for older male patients with prostate cancer and a short life expectancy, according to researchers at the Yale School of Medicine.
High-Grade Prostate Cancer Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome does not raise a mans risk of developing prostate cancer overall, but does raise their risk of aggressive prostate cancer, according to a report presented at the 27th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology.
Study: Prostate Blood Test Reduces Cancer Deaths
A new study suggests men screened for cancer using the prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test reduces the number of prostate cancer deaths.
Obesity, Chronic Diseases Stable Across U.S. States in 2011
Most states in the country have an obese adult population above 20 percent, according to the latest Gallup Index Healthways Well-Being Index.
Western States Boast the Best Wellbeing, Southern States the Worst
Want to be happier? Move out west.
The latest Gallup report finds people living in western states have the highest well-being.
Early Balding Linked to an Enlarged Prostate
Are you losing your hair? You may want to have your prostate examined. A new study suggests that men who begin balding tend to have larger prostates.
Prostate, Colon, Lung Cancer Rates Down
Cancer rates for lung, prostate and colon cancer has dropped significantly for men in the United States, according to the latest Cancer Facts & Figures report from the American Cancer Society.