Here's something you don't see every day. Two moose making a splash as they cross the Moose River in Upstate New York.

Skip Oswald was lucky enough to capture the majestic animals as they crossed near the South Branch of the River about 5 miles from Old Forge.

Oswald said he was standing on the bridge just before noon.

Credit - Skip Oswald
Credit - Skip Oswald

Moose Makes Way Over Moose River

Oswald was able to take a few photos of the two moose just as one was in the water.

Take a look as the moose makes his way to the other side.

READ MORE: Close Encounter of Moose Kind! 2 Pass Under New York Hunter's Tree Stand

2 Moose on Moose River in New York

People wait their whole lives to see a moose. Skip Oswald was lucky enough to see moose on Moose River in New York.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

Moose More Active

Moose are more active in the fall but be careful.

Cows with calves can be irritable and fiercely protective. Rutting bulls can also be extremely unpredictable, sometimes charging people, farm animals, and even cars.

If you've ever dreamed of seeing a moose, this is the time of year to do it.

It's also fall foliage season in the Adirondacks, which is stunning. If you're lucky enough, you'll get two for the price of one.

READ MORE: Best Place to See a Moose in New York

RichardSeeley/Think Stock
RichardSeeley/Think Stock

Report Moose

If you see a moose, you're asked to report it to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They are conducting a multi-year research project to obtain information on the status of New York State's moose population, the health of the moose, and the factors that influence moose survival and reproductive rate.

READ MORE: Curious Moose Peeks Into Upstate New York Window

If you see a moose, never approach it. Bull (male) moose can be very aggressive, especially in late Fall during the rut.

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Moose on Loose Strolls New York Beach

A moose was captured wandering Port Henry beach before heading back home to the forest where she belonged. An employee preparing to open the gates captured the majestic animal early one morning.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

Fisherman Gets Up Close Look at Majestic Moose in the Adirondacks

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

Hiker Comes Within 5 Feet Of Adirondack Male Moose

Gallery Credit: Credit - Dave Wheeler

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