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Three Vermont residents managed to turn a New York deer hunt into an epic comedy of errors you have to hear to believe.

The trio went cruising through the town of Salem in Washington County, looking for a buck. When they finally spotted one, the driver tried to channel their inner action hero by firing a rifle from inside the vehicle.

READ MORE: Trail Cams Catch Hunters Breaking The Law In New York

Unfortunately, when a truck pulled up behind them, panic set in, and the driver yanked the gun back inside—where it promptly discharged, sending a bullet through their own hand and out the car door.

Deer Drama

Not ready to give up on their creative storytelling skills, the crew limped back to Vermont and claimed the whole thing happened there. But after some good old-fashioned investigation, the truth came out: the deer drama went down in New York.

The shooter, who turned out to be a convicted felon, fessed up and ended up with an impressive list of charges, including criminal possession of a weapon and a slew of hunting violations.

The cherry on top? A five-day stay at Albany Medical Center to recover from the self-inflicted wound.

READ MORE: Tent-napping in New York: Hunter's Stolen Shelter Sparks Wild Tale

The other two partners in crime didn’t escape unscathed either, racking up seven tickets for their ill-fated adventure.

Lesson learned: stick to legal hunting—or at least figure out how safety switches work.

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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

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