It is that time of year - Tax time. If you get a text from the IRS promising some sweet cash, you might want to put on the brakes because it’s definitely a scam.

What's Going On?

Some shady people are sending out text messages that look official, claiming to be from the IRS. They are saying that you're in for a hefty $1,400 Economic Impact Payment. This sounds like it could be too good to be true. Well, it just might be.

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How to Spot a Scam An IRS Tax Scam

The real IRS doesn't slide into your DMs with surprise money. That is not their style. These scammers use weird email addresses that definitely don't scream "government official." There's usually a clickable link in the message which is a big no, no.

IRS 101: What You Need to Know

Remember, the IRS doesn't get in touch with you out of the blue unless you've asked them to. When they do reach out, they won't ask you for your personal information because they already have it.

More IRS Tax Scams Ahead

Brace yourself because these fake scams are gonna keep rolling in until about April. Some might promise big bucks coming your way, while others might threaten you. Be alert, stay on your toes, and most importantly, keep your wallet out of these scammers' pockets.

The Bottom Line

Don't let scam texts reel you in. You should report any suspicious ones right over to the real IRS. Don't fall for these scammers because you and your hard earned money deserve better.

STOP Sharing THESE Facebook POsts. They’re all SCAMS!

Gallery Credit: Courtesy: Facebook

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