Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That is a question that may never be answered even though this dilemma has been debated for centuries. There is another question however, that we finally have an answer to. Where does Upstate New York begin?

Governor Kathy Hochul was asked the question, where does Upstate New York begin and she has a clear and definitive answer. If anyone would know it's the Governor of New York, right? This is what she had to say.

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The problem with defining where Upstate New York begins is that it's subjective. Your opinion could be wildly different than your best friend's opinion. We asked Capital Region residents if Albany is considered Upstate New York. Scroll down to see what they had to say. Some of the responses are wild.

Recently Two Buttons Deep caught up with Governor Kathy Hochul and took the opportunity to ask the burning question, "Where do you think Upstate New York begins?". Her answer? "It's not hard. North of Westchester". Watch this video for her full response.

I think I'm in a position of authority. I can say that right? It starts north of Westchester. Westchester is Downstate but then there's a clear line. Then it goes up and it goes over. I know my state. - Kathy Hochul

The Governor of New York has to make a lot of difficult decisions but, as much as this one has been discussed, Kathy Hochul easily draws the Upstate line at Westchester.

Is Albany Considered Upstate New York?

We've heard Governor Hochul proclaim that Upstate New York begins once you leave Westchester, heading north. Here's what New Yorkers have to say.

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

These Mountain Inns of Upstate New York Are Calling Your Name!

Into the new year we go and with Christmas and the holidays receding in the rear view mirror, its time for a "me" getaway to New York's mountains.

This is a list of ten great mountain inns that are "calling your name" this time of the year. No Marriott's or Holiday Inns are found on this list. But we have some really interesting inns to explore, both in the Adirondacks and Catskill Mountains, that you might enjoy.

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

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