The former Republican mayors of Utica and Rome have changed their party affiliation and are now the city chairs of the Independence Party in their respective cities.
The City of Utica's new Independence Party Chairman Tim Julian was in the hot seat on WIBX First News with Keeler in the Morning on Tuesday for what turned into the show's first 'Grab Bag of Topics'.
Utica, NY (WIBX) - "While all the counts for which you plead guilty are troubling, especially in the position of trust that you held, from a legal standpoint and from a moral standpoint, I was perhaps more troubled by the introduction of that document than anything else...
Utica, NY (WIBX) - Mayor David Roefaro has said again and again that he would not seek another term in office, but on Saturday, Roefaro was one of four people to screen for the Independence Party's endorsement for mayor.
The Oneida County District Attorney's Office is presenting another case to a grand jury against the County's Independence Party Chairman, John Dote, according to witnesses who have been called to testify.