Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, February 1st, 2018Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, February 1st, 2018Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, February 1st, 2018Bill KeelerBill KeelerAndrew DerminioAndrew DerminioJeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
Governor-NYGovernor-NYA senior Republican New York state senator has filed the paperwork to run for governor and is expected to formally launch his campaign on Tuesday.Associated PressAssociated Press
Good Samaritan Law Waiting Final Approval From CuomoGood Samaritan Law Waiting Final Approval From CuomoAlbany, NY (WIBX) - A measure to protect an individual seeking treatment for a person experiencing an accidental drug overdose passed in both state houses yesterday.WIBXWIBX