RCIL Commends Local Leaders For Improving Accessibility RCIL Commends Local Leaders For Improving Accessibility Officials with the RCIL are commending local leaders for their proactive actions to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Participates In National Voter Registration DayRCIL Participates In National Voter Registration DayThe Resource Center for Independent Living is taking part in National Voter Registration Day.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Moving To Former Boston Store In Downtown UticaRCIL Moving To Former Boston Store In Downtown UticaThe Resource Center for Independent Living is moving into its new downtown Utica location in the former Boston Store on Genesee Street this week. Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Commends Passage Of Disability Rights LegislationRCIL Commends Passage Of Disability Rights LegislationThe Senate and Assembly have passed legislation to reinstate the Office of the Advocate for People With Disabilities. Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Offers Free Rides To The PollsRCIL Offers Free Rides To The PollsThe Resource Center for Independent Living will be providing free and accessible transportation to and from the polls on Tuesday.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Again Offering Free Tax Preparation ServiceRCIL Again Offering Free Tax Preparation ServiceTax season is here and the Resource Center for Independent Living in Utica is once again offering free tax preparation servicesJim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
Display Finds New HomeDisplay Finds New HomeThe holiday decorations used in the Wonderland of Lights Christmas display, which was discontinued by the Resource Center for Independent Living last March, will have a new life.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
RCIL Ends Wonderland Of Lights FundraiserRCIL Ends Wonderland Of Lights FundraiserSay goodbye an area holiday tradition.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
Utica Comptroller CandidatesUtica Comptroller CandidatesYou'll get a chance to hear from the candidates for Utica Comptroller at a public forum next month.Jim RondenelliJim Rondenelli
Resource Center For Independent Living Looking For Volunteer Tax PreparersResource Center For Independent Living Looking For Volunteer Tax PreparersThe Utica Resource Center for Independent Living is looking for volunteers to help with this year's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.Gino GeruntinoGino Geruntino