A science teacher at Union Springs near Auburn, NY might have figured out a way to rigorously reduce the tick problem in Upstate New York and it might turn out to be a money maker. Jason Dean, originally of Canastota, has created a prototype 'tick Sweeping' machine that al out completely eliminates the tick problem in the average back yard.
One of the biggest worries for parents and property owners everywhere seems to be ticks. One Upstate New York teacher has a solution that a college study shows will be a must have device within 5 years time.
Public health and agriculture officials are warning New York residents, farms and visitors to take precautions outdoors as a new tick species has been found in the state.
Environmental officials warn people should not be lured into a false sense of security about ticks issues due to very cold winter weather lingering later into the spring.
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says New York communities girding for a jump in tick-borne diseases as the weather warms up need federal funding to combat the problem now rather than later.