Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

6 AM Hour

- Eben Brown is with Fox News Radio. He's on this morning to update us on Hurricane Dorian as it ravages the Bahamas and approaches the U.S. Coast.

- Peter Franklin is the Gabby Cabby and he's on this morning to deliver his weekly True Tales.

7 AM Hour

- John Zogby is with Zogby Strategies and he's on this morning to talk about the latest in the race for the 2020 DEM nomination for President.

- We talk about the Stewart's Shop in Poland that had a sum of money turned into it and then turned over to State Police. The money was reunited with the family member

- Susan Ashline is the Rochester area journalist who wrote a book on the Word of Life murder and cult. She previews the appeal of Sarah Ferguson.

8 AM Hour

- Jon Decker of FNR is on this morning to report on the White House response to Hurricane Dorian.

- Chris Lotey from CML Security is on this morning to talk about home and cyber security and what his local business does to help.

- Dave Warner is in this morning with various musicians to promote Bluegrass, Bikes and BBQ Festival coming to Little Falls.

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