
Racing Legend Dick Trickle Commits Suicide
Racing Legend Dick Trickle Commits Suicide
Racing Legend Dick Trickle Commits Suicide
Richard "Dick" Trickle died Thursday at the age of 71. His body was discovered next to his pickup truck at a cemetery in Lincoln County, North Carolina, after the longtime NASCAR and short-track driver shot himself, according to police.
A Graduation Speech For All
A Graduation Speech For All
A Graduation Speech For All
Novelist David Foster Wallace's "This is Water" speech has meaning for all of us - today, this hour, this minute, this second.  Director Matthew Freidell has crafted a new short film in recognition of that.
Police Concerned About Suicide Attempts at the 9/11 Memorial
Police Concerned About Suicide Attempts at the 9/11 Memorial
Police Concerned About Suicide Attempts at the 9/11 Memorial
The focal point of the National September 11 Memorial is a pair of sunken granite pools with three-story waterfalls that mark where the fallen World Trade Center towers once stood. And while they’re certainly beautiful, the New York City Police Department is watching them for an entirely different reason: they’re worried that grief-stricken visitors might try to use the site to commit suicide. Rea