Jumping into Oneida Lake on the second day of December may not be thought of as big fun by some but doing it for a cause such as the "Special Olympics" is bringing out the best in some Central New Yorkers. The "Polar Plunge", according to Polarplungeny, will be held Sunday morning at Oneida Shores on Bartell Road in Brewerton. There is still time to brace yourself and sign up to take part. Here are the details.

 It's wild, crazy and FUN! So grab your friends, neighbors and co-workers and form a team!
Raise $100 to take the Plunge and receive an official Polar Plunge Sweatshirt! Check in is Sunday at noon with the plunge at noon. The location is Oneida Shores, Bartell Road, Brewerton, NY

via 2012 CNY Polar Plunge - Home.

If you would like to sign up the registration link can be found here.

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