If you like watching TV on a big screen you might like what is hitting store shelves today.

Samsung's new 105-inch UHD set with a curved screen features a $120,000 price tag.

With the purchase a Samsung technician will also make a housecall, making certain that the television has been set up properly so that the purchaser can enjoy all of the technology offered.

And, although one could argue that someone who pays more than one hundred thousand dollars for a television would already know how it works, the technician will also demonstrate the set's features.

Billed as "The World's First Curved UHD TV" the set was introduced in January of this year at the Consumer Electronics Show by Samsung Electronics Vice President Joe Stinziano.

And, in case you are interested and 105 inches just doesn't quite cut the muster, Samsung also makes a 110-inch TV set which is not nearly as groovy, since the screen is just flat.


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