Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk about proper protocol for handling and displaying the flag. We review this in the midst of the National Anthem protests.
- We speak with Bernie Armata on the growing issue of Stink Bugs. Armata is the Executive Director of the Herkimer Cornell Cooperative Extension.
- Mayor of Whitesboro Pat O'Connor is on this morning to talk to us about the updates made to the village seal.
7 AM Hour
- Jack LoMedico is a Utica Councilman at Large. He is one of 5 to vote 'Yes' for extending term limits for City of Utica officials.
- Dave Testa is also a Utica Councilman who voted 'Yes' on extending term limits. He joins us to defend his vote.
- Attorney Michael Longstreet is on this morning to talk on behalf of the owners of the P&C property in Herkimer, where the county wants to build a jail.
8 AM Hour
- Steve Roefaro and Mello Testa are on this morning to promote the upcoming 75th running of the E.J. Hermann Invitational this weekend.
- We speak with Ryan Nobles from CNN on what's going on in Washington and get his take on the latest Trump news.
- Senator Joe Griffo is on this morning to talk about his recent trip to Russia.
- Ann Marie Taliercio is on this morning. She is the President of the CNY Area Labor Federation. She is talking about why people should vote "No" for the proposed Constitutional Convention.