17 of the Craziest New York Beer Names You’ll Ever Hear
With so many great New York beers to choose from, it can be hard for a brewery to make its product stand out on the shelves. Luckily these breweries have some pretty creative marketing people on their staff. Some of these beer names are completely bonkers.
You might think the old adage “You can’t judge a book by its cover” would apply here. It’s sort of the same concept. Just because a beer has a crazy off-the-wall name doesn’t mean the beer is going to be crazy off-the-wall good. I mean, that’s always the hope, right? Still, I have an issue with the “you can’t judge a book by its cover” mindset. When you think about it, a book cover has an important job – to grab your attention and entice you to read the damn thing. Especially in today’s go-go-go, zero-attention-span society, a good cover – or in this case, a good beer can label – is crucial to pushing your wares in an already-crowded market. Shelf space in any store is limited, so that beer can better pop.
I honestly can’t tell if naming a beer is really easy, or really hard. Some names seem completely random, some harken to pop culture references of the past, and some seem like they were pulled from the elegant prose of Walt Whitman. It’s really a toss-up.
I’ll admit to having purchased a beer based exclusively on the can art, and I’m sure I’m not alone. We perused some Utica area beer stores and found the beers with the craziest names:
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