DiNapoli: 33 School Districts Reported In Fiscal Stress
A new report from State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli shows there were 33 school districts statewide designated in fiscal stress in 2019.
That’s up from 26 in both 2017 and 2018.
DiNapoli’s Fiscal Stress Monitoring System analyzes a set of six financial indicators to create an overall stress score.
“Some of New York’s school districts are in fiscal trouble. While there are a number of factors causing their fiscal stress, each district should address these problems today,” said DiNapoli. “My Fiscal Stress Monitoring System flags issues early so communities can correct them. My office will continue to provide financial planning tools, guidance and training to help schools in stress.”
The fiscal stress score determines if a district is in “significant fiscal stress,” “moderate stress,” or “susceptible to stress.”
Two local school districts – Sauquoit Valley Central and Dolgeville Central – were listed as susceptible to stress.