The Hobika Law Firm Free Money Question of the Day – Rules
Listen to Keeler weekday mornings at 7:35 for your chance to win the Free Money Question of the Day from the Hobika Law Firm and WIBX.
Here's how it works: You get the chance to win $100 every weekday by playing our “Free Money Question of the Day” contest. When prompted, call our studio line at 315-736-0186 for your chance to answer one of our many tough trivia questions. A random question is announced by one of our announcers. You will have a total of 7 seconds (timed by an audio sounder that 'ticks off 7 seconds. The buzzer signifies the end of 7 seconds) to try and beat the buzzer with the correct answer. If you get the question right within the allotted time, you win $100. It’s that simple! For your chance to win Listen to ‘First News with Keeler in the Morning from 6-9 a.m. on your radio, the free WIBX950 app, on WFXV FOX 33 TV, or WIBX950.com.
Contest Rules
There’s no purchase necessary and WIBX and Townsquare Media are not responsible for any person’s inability to call in, to be the correct number caller and that includes technical difficulties which might prevent a person from being the correct number caller, not excluding personnel error by one of our employees and disconnection of a phone call. WIBX and our staff members reserve the right to exclude any contestant or potential contestant for any reason or any time. It is the sole discretion of WIBX on-air staff members to determine if the contestant answers the Free Money question within the allotted 7 seconds. Winners, please allow 2-5 weeks for prize delivery in the form of a cashier's check/money order. If for any reason, you have not received your prize via the U.S. Mail, please contact WIBX during weekday morning hours between 6 and 9 a.m. at 315-736-0186. WIBX, Townsquare Media, its employees/ownership, and its sponsors are not responsible for any dropped or distorted phone calls, no matter the cause. The final decision on a contestant winning or losing the contest is at the total discretion of the WIBX on-air staff, and this decision is final and not eligible for appeal. By agreeing to play the contest, the contestant accepts the official rules of this contest.
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