Female Corrections Officer Suffers Broken Nose in Brutal Attack at Mid-State Prison
A female corrections officer at Mid-State Prison in Marcy sustained serious injuries following a violent attack by an inmate.
New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) Vice President Bryan Hluska announced Friday that the officer was making her normal rounds in a dorm when she approached an inmate. Hluska says she was speaking to the inmate about complaints the staff was getting about him. Then, Hluska says the inmate took an "aggressive stance" and the officer responded by using OC spray, which had no impact.
Hluska says what happened next was truly horrifying. According to Hluska the inmate started punching the female officer in the face and head repeatedly. When she fell to the ground, the inmate began kicking her in the head and face. Finally, a response was called and multiple officers came to her aid. When the other officers arrived, Hluska says the inmate had fled to the recreation room and the female officer was laying on the floor.
Hluska reports the responding officers approached the inmate and again, he became aggressive. Once again spray was utilized with no effect and several officers had to work to subdue him. During the process Hluska says another officer was struck in the face and suffered other minor injuries which he was treated for at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Eventually the inmate was taken under control, after being forced to the ground and put in handcuffs.
The female officer who was in bad shape, according to Hluska, was treated briefly at the scene and then transported to St. Elizabeth Hospital. While there, Hluska says she was treated for a broken nose and received sutures to close up two huge cuts. After being treated she was released and did not return to duty. Hluska was very vocal about the attack.
As the State continues to close prisons and weaken the disciplinary system, violent attacks like this continue at a record level. This brutal, vicious attack could have been even worse if it wasn’t for the quick response of staff. This presents another opportunity for the Oneida County District Attorney’s Office to prosecute and obtain a conviction so this violent inmate, who currently is only serving a one to four year sentence, understands that he cannot randomly attack and injure staff at free will. Sadly, it is literally the only deterrent left to keep staff safe.
Following the incident Hluska says the 32-year-old inmate, who is serving 1to 4 years for Attempted Assault, was transported to Auburn Correctional Facility.