Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
6 AM Hour
Recapping last night's New Hampshire Primaries
Checking local gas prices. And, the worst contestant ever on The Family Feud
What's going on with the new vending machine? Are prices going way up? And, Pat Becher of the Mohawk Valley Water Authority on a recent audit that found a lot of water is being wasted
Peter Franklin has true tales from NYC, and his reaction to the NH Primaries
7 AM Hour
John Zogby weighs in on the New Hampshire Primaries. Where does Hillary go from here?
Melissa Camman brings us S'More Porter from Saranac. They're doing a special tasting on Saturday
Checking back in with Harmony Speciale. Will she be appointed to fill her own vacancy? It's not looking like that will happen and the now-former legislator thinks her own party let her fall.
8 AM Hour
Interested in calling games? Sal Barbero has details, and stories, on an upcoming baseball umpires certification class
UPD Lt. Steve Hauck will soon be retiring.
Win tickets to see Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles. Plus, we check in with Legal Lis Wiehl
Jim Zecca on Trump's win in New Hampshire
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