Local Doctor Says Older Drug Might Successfully Treat COVID
All the COVID-19 talk these days is about the vaccine, which is certainly important. However, another way of dealing with the virus is treating people who have contracted it, so they remain well enough to stay out of the hospital.
Dr. Richard Chmielewski of the Falcon Clinic was on WIBX's Keeler Show on Wednesday announcing that they are now offering telemedicine treatment for patients with the active COVID-19 virus, and for those who are experiencing post COVID long hauler symptoms. He says a drug discovered in the 1970s is now being used to treat COVID patients with the active virus, and so far it's showing very promising results.
"In alliance with the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Falcon Clinic will be prescribing medications for treatment," said Chmielewski. "One of the main medications is Ivermectin, a medication used globally for decades for treatment of various parasites. It is an FDA approved medication," he said.
Chmielewski said his clinic in Washington Mills is treating people at home before they get sicker and have to go to the emergency room or be admitted into the hospital. "The Falcon Clinic is ready to start treating patients using globally tested medications and protocols against the COVID-19 virus," he added.
Chmielewski stressed that he fully supports each of the three vaccinations that are currently available and urges people to get the shot when it becomes available to them.
"There is encouraging news that more and more people are being vaccinated against COVID-19. We now have three vaccines available. There are fewer deaths and fewer hospitalizations and fewer patients in the ICUs across the U.S. This might signal a turning point," he said. "We still nevertheless, need to be vigilant. There are at least three major variants of the corona virus. Moderna has already announced it is already preparing an alteration in its original vaccine to hopefully better protect against one or some of these variants."
Chmielewski says the Ivermectin treatment which he is using at the Falcon Clinic, is seeing great early successes around the country and around the world. In Western New York, Dr. Paul Shields told the Buffalo News that while he's not ready to call Ivermectin a "wonder drug," he's confident that it's helping his patients recover from COVID-19.
“I am not trying to become the poster boy for Ivermectin. I’m not calling it a miracle drug. But it is part of the regimen of drugs we now use to treat Covid patients,” Shields told The Buffalo News. He said that he believes it has helped 80 out of 90 patients he's treated at a local nursing home.
Currently Shields is among three doctors in the Buffalo area who are using the inexpensive drug successfully to treat the virus in older patients. There are now more than 50 studies of the medicine's effect on COVID around the world and many countries are reporting that the drug has saved lives.
Dr. Chmielewski said the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has offered a one-page summary of clinical trial evidence for use of Ivermectin which is available here. He said, "The Falcon Clinic is ready to start treating patients using globally tested medications and protocols against the COVID-19 virus."
Chmielewski said over the last year, physicians at the Falcon Clinic have been conducting research on COVID-19 symptoms, and COVID-19 Long Hauler symptoms and are now offering treatment for patients through their telemedicine program. The clinic is also offering COVID testing, by appointment.
Chmielewski also offers an Osteopathic treatment that is successfully being used on patients suffering from viral infections. The technique is demonstrated in the video below.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.