CNY Assistant Fire Chief Honored for Always Putting Others FirstCNY Assistant Fire Chief Honored for Always Putting Others FirstWhen it comes to selfless leaders, this Central New York first responder stands out among the best.CarlCarl
CNY Firefighter Always Ready to Take the Call, It's in His BloodCNY Firefighter Always Ready to Take the Call, It's in His BloodHere's a first responder who has always been ready to protect his community, even before he could join.CarlCarl
CNY Firefighter & High School Student Always Puts Community FirstCNY Firefighter & High School Student Always Puts Community FirstOne young leader is getting recognized for the time she puts in at school and protecting her community.CarlCarl
2 CNY First Responder Brothers Win Award; Following Father's Lead2 CNY First Responder Brothers Win Award; Following Father's LeadHere's two brothers with the same passion... to serve their community in any way they can.CarlCarl
CNY Firefighter Teaching Kids Important Values in Life on the CNY Firefighter Teaching Kids Important Values in Life on the A Central New York father is leading by example. Our First Responder Friday hero not only helps his community, but he's also teaching his kids the important values in life while on the job. PollyPolly
CNY Firefighter Continues to Inspire After a Big Career MilestoneCNY Firefighter Continues to Inspire After a Big Career MilestoneIf there's anyone who deserves recognition for everything she does, it's this first responder.CarlCarl
From Community Leader to NHFD Firefighter; He Really Does it AllFrom Community Leader to NHFD Firefighter; He Really Does it AllYou might know him from other facets of New Hartford, but did you know he's also a First Responder?CarlCarl
Central New York Firefighter Honored for Over 30 Years of ServiceCentral New York Firefighter Honored for Over 30 Years of ServiceHere's a fire fighter with years of experience, who proves to be a leader wherever he goes.CarlCarl
CNY 911 Dispatcher is an Inspiration to Her Kids & Other ParentsCNY 911 Dispatcher is an Inspiration to Her Kids & Other ParentsShe's a true, blue first responder who proves daily no task is too big for her.CarlCarl
Humble Dolgeville Marine is a Hero at Home and for His CountyHumble Dolgeville Marine is a Hero at Home and for His CountyIt's time a hard working soldier gets the recognition back home that they deserve.CarlCarl