Jehovah's Witness

Jehovah's Witness Explains Why They Knock on Your Door
Jehovah's Witness Explains Why They Knock on Your Door
Jehovah's Witness Explains Why They Knock on Your Door
If you're a homeowner, you're probably familiar with the knock on your door that turns out to be two Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) with an interest in spreading the word of God. Last year in August, the church returned to door-knocking, a practice that had been suspended temporarily because of the COVID pandemic.
Jehovah's Witness Rep Explains New "Non-Door-Knock" Outreach
Jehovah's Witness Rep Explains New "Non-Door-Knock" Outreach
Jehovah's Witness Rep Explains New "Non-Door-Knock" Outreach
If you're a homeowner, you're probably familiar with the knock on your door that turns out to be two Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) with an interest in spreading the word of God. Last year in August, the church returned to door-knocking, a practice that had been suspended temporarily because of the COVID pandemic. Now, the ministry is expanding with an outreach program that doesn't include knocking.