Why CNY Lawmakers Are Criticizing Gov. Kathy HochulWhy CNY Lawmakers Are Criticizing Gov. Kathy HochulLocal lawmakers have expressed their disappointment over a "distraction" from New York Governor Kathy Hochul.MeganMegan
FBI, DOJ Now Investigating Fatal Beating of CNY Inmate FBI, DOJ Now Investigating Fatal Beating of CNY InmateThe FBI and DOJ are now looking into the fatal beating of a Marcy Correctional Facility inmate.MeganMegan
More Guards Attacked at Marcy, Union Rep Calls for ActionMore Guards Attacked at Marcy, Union Rep Calls for ActionThree prison guards at Marcy Correctional Facility were injured this month in two separate attacks inside the facility. Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
NYSCOPBA President Tests Positive For COVID-19, Concerns MountNYSCOPBA President Tests Positive For COVID-19, Concerns MountConcerns over the spread of COVID-19 in the New York State Prison System continue to rise. The President of the New York State Correctional Officers Police Benevolent Association has tested positive for COVID-19.Andrew DerminioAndrew Derminio
Smuggling Drugs into MarcySmuggling Drugs into MarcyThe Oneida County Correctional Facility has two new inmates who started the weekend as visitors to the Marcy Correctional facility.Kristine BellinoKristine Bellino