rome capitol theatre

Show Time! Rome Capitol Theatre Lighting Marquee Sign This Week
Show Time! Rome Capitol Theatre Lighting Marquee Sign This Week
Show Time! Rome Capitol Theatre Lighting Marquee Sign This Week
The long wait for theatre lovers in the Rome community is officially over. The Rome Capitol Theatre is officially lighting its newly installed marquee on Saturday, January 15th. The sign is up now, but the process to get where they are today has taken several months in the making...
Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, April 23rd
Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, April 23rd
Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, April 23rd
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 WIBX VIP Club Gripe of the Day is: Meds Hometown of the Day: St. Johnsville Newsmaker of the Day: The Baltics Enter the VIP Club info here to earn points and win. This Day in History:  Click Here ***TODAY'S TOPICS*** 6:00-6:20: - We will be talking today in the 7:00 hour to one half of the group Brewer & Shipley, Tom Shipley. Th...
Rome Capitol Theatre Presents, “Elf”
Rome Capitol Theatre Presents, “Elf”
Rome Capitol Theatre Presents, “Elf”
Rome, NY (WIBX) - A holiday screening of the movie "Elf" to benefit the Rome Hospital Foundation is taking place this Wednesday evening at the Capitol Theatre in Rome.