From Gloom To Bloom: Beating the Winter BluesFrom Gloom To Bloom: Beating the Winter BluesThat blah feeling? It has a name—Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short. And yeah, it really does suck. Rachel DavisRachel Davis
Over a Million New Yorkers Are Spending Christmas Alone Over a Million New Yorkers Are Spending Christmas Alone A sad survey found New York among the states with the highest percentage of residents who will have no one to celebrate the holidays with. MeganMegan
Cold Weather Has Begun in New York. Eat These Foods to Ease SADCold Weather Has Begun in New York. Eat These Foods to Ease SADWinter is Coming. So that means SAD, fka "weather depression" is on route also. and SAD often sucks. Here's what you can eat right now to get ahead of it.Envy McKeeEnvy McKee