Star Trek

J.J. Abrams Grants Dying ‘Star Trek’ Fan’s Wish
J.J. Abrams Grants Dying ‘Star Trek’ Fan’s Wish
J.J. Abrams Grants Dying ‘Star Trek’ Fan’s Wish
Anybody who thinks Reddit is just for misogyny and creepy porn is only PARTLY right. They do their fair share of good as well. The story of a man dying of cancer is one such instance. Thanks to the good people of Reddit this loyal Trekkie will get to see some, if not all, of the new 'Star Trek' movie before he dies, thanks to the one and only J.J. Abrams.
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ IMAX Preview: Find Out Where to Watch 9 Minutes of the Film!
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ IMAX Preview: Find Out Where to Watch 9 Minutes of the Film!
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ IMAX Preview: Find Out Where to Watch 9 Minutes of the Film!
We've been talking a lot about this upcoming 'Star Trek Into Darkness' preview, hitting IMAX theaters starting December 14, but the question of exactly where you can view the footage was left up in the air... until now. With the first official movie poster and teaser trailer already making the rounds, it's time to gear up for this in-depth preview. Click ahead to find out where you can watch it. R