Utica to Begin Door-to-Door Checks for Dog License Compliance
The City of Utica requires anyone who owns a dog to hold a dog license. Each year you as the owner are required to renew the license with proof of updated rabies vaccine. If the license for your dog is out of date, then you may be receiving a knock on the door and a hefty fine.
Utica Mayor Rob Palmieri released a statement on his Facebook page making people aware of the campaign that is set to begin. Animal Control Officers will begin a door-to-door campaign to check on the status of your dog's license. If they find you to be without a license, you will be subject to a $50 fine and/or seizure of the animal.
You can renew or get your new license at the City Clerk's office for just $15 (spayed and neutered dogs) or $25 (Not spayed or neutered). The City Clerk's office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. for dog licenses, except on holidays. Again, you need proof of update rabbi vaccines upon issuing of license.
City Clerk Patricia Lindsey on Facebook says, "The Stevens Swan Humane Society will be holding a rabbies clinic 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M., MONDAY MAY 22, 2017. DOGS ONLY! Paperwork will be done on the stage. Dogs MUST remain in your vehicle. Shots available to dogs from all municipalities." You can call or come into the office for the licenses and cash or credit card may be accepted.
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