What is Chronic Myeloid Leukemia? A Local Doctor Explains.
A lot of people today have been asking me to explain just what Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is. I've done my best to explain, but I thought it best to get an Oncologist who is an expert in the field to do the explaining.
Dr. Atul Butala is an Oncologist with Mohawk Valley Health Systems and one of the area's experts on Leukemia. He spoke with WIBX about the disease, and the different facets of the disease that face people today.
Dr. Butala explained that a relatively new drug created in 2002, became a game changer for the disease. Prior to 2002, the life expectancy of someone with CML was about 30-percent. After the introduction of the new drugs which target the cancer causing cells which create the Leukemia, a person's life expectancy on the drug is the same as a person without cancer.
Some of the common next treatments for CML are:
•dasatinib (Sprycel)
•nilotinib (Tasigna)
•bosutinib (Bosulif)
•ponatinib (Iclusig)
•asciminib (Scemblix)
Listen to the complete interview with Dr. Butala below:
According to Dr. Butala, treatment for CM is available at the Utica Cancer Center:
We know that receiving cancer care can be stressful. Working as a team, our physicians, nurses, therapists, counselors and support groups provide for your physical, social and psychological well-being. We listen to you, answer your questions and get to know you as a person. We design your treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Our wide range of services include:
•Symptom Management
•Cancer Education
•Support Groups
•Community Resources
•Clinical Trials
•Hormone Therapy
At the Cancer Center, we care for patients who have been diagnosed with a variety of cancers. Our personalized approach to care is based on the belief that every patient and their needs are unique. From treatment options to symptom management, the care we provide is individually tailored to each patient. Learn more about diagnosis and treatment options for each type of cancer, providers who will care for you, and links to additional resources.
The Utica Cancer Treatment Center, which treats blood cancers like CML locally, is on Newell Street near Faxton in Utica. The phone number is 315-624-5300.