Envy McKee
How to Celebrate the First Day of Kwanzaa in New York.
I remember the very first time my family celebrated Kwanzaa. I was little enough to remember the newness of new things without being annoyed by being made to do them by well-meaning parents.
5 Unique Ways New Yorkers Can Ring In the New Year
If you don’t want to attend the traditional New Year's Eve party this year or, if watching the ball drop on your TV screen is simply not how you want to encapsulate 2023, we got you covered.
Four Airbnbs in Upstate New York that are Absolutely Breathtaking
Treehouses, domes, cabins, and beautiful homes, all with incredible views and a chance to truly be a part of Upstate New York’s natural beauty are available for booking this holiday season.
Top 5 Mocktails to Elevate Your Sober New York Christmas
Ahhhh Holiday drinking. It's where true memories are made. But what if you don't drink? No worries. Mocktails to the rescue.
Dear New York Husbands, Please Don’t Forget Your Wife’s Stocking This Christmas
This is a public service announcement. And potentially, a marriage/relationship saving manifesto.
Small Businesses to Shop at The Oneida County Holiday Market
Shopping at Tar-jay and other big box stores for holiday gifts is convenient but supporting local craftspeople changes lives.
Here’s How To Celebrate a Proper Festivus in New York
Everybody isn't into Christmas or Hannukah or Kwanza. Some people don't celebrate any holidays at all. And that's fine. BUT. What if you like the idea of having a holiday during this time of year, but you just aren't into the current options?
Single In The CNY? It’s Still Cuffing Season.
Are you single in the CNY and don't want to be? If this statement is true, you're in luck because right now until March is...Cuffing Season.
Stocking Stuffers She Will Love Arriving in CNY by Christmas
With Christmas in less than a week, here are some iconic stocking stuffers, all of which you can still order today and have delivered before Christmas.
WOO! Meet Erynn Lowery: Owner of The Renaissance in Little Falls
The anticipation has been mounting for weeks. You nominated your favorite women owned and operated businesses. And now the very first WOO! Winner is revealed...