Jeremy Taylor

Do You Use Coupons? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the bad economy and shows such as ‘Extreme Couponing,’ coupons should be as popular as ever. But how many people actually use them while shopping?

Are Political Conventions a Waste of Time? — Survey of the Day
This week, the Republicans are holding their national political convention in Tampa, Florida. Next week it will be the Democrats doing the same in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Have You Smoked a Cigarette in the Past Week? — Survey of the Day
Between the persistency of the surgeon general and bans everywhere from workplaces to bars, being a smoker should be harder than it’s ever been before.
But are these anti-smoking efforts actually causing a decline in the rates of cigarette consumption?

Philadelphia Woman Could Be Fined For Giving Out Free Lunches
Talk about a good deed being punished. This summer, Angela Prattis has been handing out daily free lunches to about 60 kids in her Chester, PA neighborhood. These meals are the same ones they would be getting if their school was in session. Now she faces a fine of $600 a day for doing so because she doesn’t have a variance to serve food in a residential neighborhood.

Do You Approve of the Job the TSA Is Doing? — Survey of the Day
When you hear about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), it’s usually because one of its agents has aggressively searched someone they probably shouldn’t have searched so aggressively.
But despite the drumbeat of negative stories surrounding the folks entrusted with our airport security the general public hasn’t turned on the TSA.

Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Mars is in the news these days thanks to the Curiosity rover which recently landed on the red planet. The goal of the six-wheeled robot is to find signs of life on Mars, and NASA also hopes that its 23 month mission will increase public awareness of the space program.
But will it rekindle interest in sending a manned mission to Mars?
Would You Pay Extra for a Child-Free Flight? — Survey of the Day
It can be a pain to travel with kids. It’s one thing when it’s your own rugrat bopping around in their seat and harassing you about arrival times and quite another when the little rascal belongs to someone else.

Could Not Being On Facebook Cost You A Job?
Between falling stock prices, continued privacy concerns and an admission that a good chunk of its profiles are fake, Facebook has had a rough few months. But before you drop your Facebook account, consider this: employers may view potential hires who aren’t on the social network as suspicious.

Clueless Reporter Has No Idea What Day or Year It Is
We’ve all forgotten what day of the week it is at one time or another. Sometimes a Wednesday just feels like a Thursday. But since part of our job isn’t to announce to thousands of viewers what day it is, such confusion is no biggie.
Should Kids Go to School Year-Round? — Survey of the Day
The two-and-a-half-month summer vacation that kids get was a mid-19th century compromise between rural school districts, which had children who needed to help out on the family farm, and urban districts, which often dealt with extreme heat in the summer.