Like many other counties in Upstate New York, Herkimer County had flattened the curve on COVID-19 and was seeing only a few cases on a daily basis. That seems to have changed as coronavirus is increasing dramatically throughout the Mohawk Valley and Central New York.

Herkimer County has reported 15 new positive cases of the virus as of 12-noon on Wednesday. There are currently 79 active cases in the county and 1 hospitalization. On November 1st, there were no new cases of the virus, Since then, 83 people have tested positive for COVID and there are now 100 people in mandatory quarantine.

Herkimer County Legislature Chairman Jim Bono told WIBX on Monday that the county has done very well in staying off the virus. However, as we head into colder months where people will be spending more time indoors, he urges people to wear a mask when they can't maintain social distance.

On Wednesday, Little Falls City School District in Herkimer County announced that their Middle School would be going 100-percent virtual learning through the end of the week because someone at that school tested positive. The change in schedule does not affect the High School or Benton Hall Elementary.


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