Holiday Window Candles A Modern Day Marvel
Holiday decorations have taken on a whole new technology. Remember the electric candles that were placed in the window for the holidays and you would have to find an outlet to plug them in? Worse yet, we would stretch extension cord after extension cord to accomplish the perfect holiday look from the outside. Today, all of that has changed.
Today's version of the holiday candle is battery operated, and digital. Here's how it works: on the first night of use, turn it on at dark and the candle will operate for six hours and then shut off. On the next night, it remembers when your turned it on and it relights at exactly the sometime you turned it on the pervious night. After that, it automatically turns on at dark and then shuts off 6 hours later, every night. Two double A batteries should keep the flickering candle working in your window until New Year's Eve. That's it.
We tested the candle and believe it or not, it works perfectly.
It sure beats stringing extension cords and trying to find an outlet. We're using the ones made by General Electric.
Happy Holidays!
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