WARNING; You're about to see the mutilation of the body of an enemy of Syria. This is a war crime. This is very disturbing video of a frightening example of Syria’s descent into sectarian violence.

Buzzfeed reports;

Abu Sakkar, a founder of the rebel Farouq Brigade, begins cutting apart the body of a dead Syrian soldier. He instructs his men to “slaughter the Alawites and take their hearts out to eat them”, before biting into the heart.

According to Reuters,

"he addresses the camera, saying: “I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog.”

Apparently Abu Sakkar has been seen in other videos firing rockets at Lebanese Shi'ite villages and posing with the bodies of other soldiers. His identity allegedly has been confirmed by militant sources in Homs and by images of him in those other videos. He can be seen wearing the same black jacket with the same rings on his fingers. Perhaps he'll soon be captured for war crimes, maybe not.

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