Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk about the possible "bro-mance" between President Trump and Peyton Manning.
- Peter Franklin from Gabby Cabby delivers his True Tales from NYC as he does each and every week.
7 AM Hour
- We speak with Former FBI Assistant Director William 'Bill' Gavin who is giving us his thoughts on the upcoming Comey testimony and all the controversy on The Hill.
- Julie Tabouli is a celebrity chef and a native of Utica, NY. She is fresh off an appearance on The Today Show and is off to the West Coast to film an episode for a Hallmark Network show. Her new cookbook is also on sale for the first time today.
- Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara joins us this morning to talk about issues he's had with Mayor Rob Palmieri showing up inside the tape at various crime scenes and driving with unauthorized lights on his car.
8 AM Hour
- Tami Seaman is from Majestic Fireworks in Clinton and they are now open on Oriskany Boulevard. They will be open until July 5th and you can get them before then and use them at any point.
- Oneida County Sheriff Rob Maciol joins us this morning to talk about the stabbing incident that took place at Oneida County Jail.
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