Not since 1944 Has This Happened On Halloween Night
There is a lot going on this Saturday night and one would have to expect, if it's going to happen in any year it's going to happen in 2020.
For starters, it's Halloween in the middle of a pandemic and that means trick-or-treating for kids and social distancing for all if you're following the Governor's executive order. Each municipality runs trick-or-treating differently, but if you're out on the roads, you should be on the lookout for kids in costumes.
The good news, Saturday night, October 31, 2020, is a full moon and in fact, it's a Blue Moon which is also referred to as a Hunter's Blue Moon. The last time a Blue Moon fell on Halloween night and was visible around the world was in 1944. This won't happen again until the year 2039, according to CNET.
So, what exactly is a Blue Moon?
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, "typically, this means that the Harvest Moon occurs in September, followed by the Hunter’s Moon in October. This year, however, October will contain two full Moons—on the 1st and 31st—which means that both the Harvest Moon AND the Hunter’s Moon will occur in October, and that the Hunter’s Moon will also be a Blue Moon!"
As if that is not enough, it's also the night that we in New York State exit Daylight Saving Time. That means Saturday night before bed, actually at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, we need to set our clocks back one hour, giving us an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning.
By the way, the world is a different place in 2020 (absent COVID-19) and with modern technology, most clocks, like the one on your cell phone, will automatically reset. However, there will most likely be a handful of clocks that need to be changed in your home. Additionally, the clock in your vehicle might also need to be reset.
So there you have it! 2020 is definitely a year that will go down in history for so many reasons, including: the year the clocks moved back an hour on Halloween night which just so happened to be a Hunter's Blue Moon which could be seen around the world.
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