Spam Is Now A Secured Product In Some New York Stores — Why?
You know SPAM. The product allegedly made with only seven products: pork ham (isn't ham, pork?? okay,) water, salt, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrate. It was introduced to us in 1937 and since then, for whatever reason, people have been obsessed with the product. Can't say I've ever had it, but okay.
People love SPAM so much, it's now a secured product behind the counters in some New York State retail locations. But why?
The COVID-19 pandemic has also led to a rise in retail crime, due in part to the increase in online shopping. Thieves have become more brazen in stealing from stores because they can sell items online, experts have said.
In Port Authority, a can of SPAM retails for $3.99 per 12-ounce can.
I truly can't believe that these stores have to go through measures like this on a product like SPAM. SPAM! We aren't talking about anything seriously expensive here. I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised though - I used to work at Dollar Tree when everything was a dollar and many many people stole pregnancy tests. To each their own.