The New York City Council has accepted that the city is unable to kill all the rodents running rampant in Manhattan, so they are going with a more invasive approach: sterilization.
A U.S. judge in California on Sunday blocked Trump administration rules, which would allow more employers to opt out of providing women with no-cost birth control, from taking effect in 13 states and Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has thrown a hitch into President Barack Obama's new health care law by blocking a requirement that some religion-affiliated organizations provide health insurance that includes birth control.
Researchers discovered that countries with the highest numbers of women using oral contraceptives also have the highest rates of death from prostate cancer. What does this mean? They think estrogen from the urine of women who take birth control pills could be to blame.
New research suggests women on birth control pills tend to choose men they feel will be more stable relationship partners over guys who may be better looking or sexier.
A new report by the Institute of Medicine says that contraception, sterilization, annual HIV testing and breastfeeding support should be fully covered by health insurance plans under the health care reform law.