U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer says more funding is needed to reduce wait times for calls to Social Security field offices in New York that can extend beyond a half hour.
Hundreds of thousands of people expecting to receive tax refunds will instead be informed that a parent’s debt means the government will be keeping their return.
WASHINGTON (AP) — For just the third time in 40 years, millions of Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees can expect no increase in benefits next year.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Social Security Administration has spent nearly $300 million on a new computer system to handle disability claims, but the agency can't get it to work. And officials can't say when it will.
Rome, NY (WIBX) - After the Social Security Administration office in Rome announced plans to close and relocate to Utica, several high ranking officials teamed up to stop it from happening.