
Fatty and Sugary Foods May Be as Addictive as Cocaine and Cigarettes
Fatty and Sugary Foods May Be as Addictive as Cocaine and Cigarettes
Fatty and Sugary Foods May Be as Addictive as Cocaine and Cigarettes
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting fatty and sugary foods rewire the brain in the same way drugs like cocaine and nicotine do, leading to addiction. In recent studies, lab animals who have been fed a diet of sugary and fatty snacks show the classic signs of addiction, and brain scans of obese humans show the same disturbances in their reward circuits as the brains that are found in dru
Study Discovers Wealthier Parents More Likely to Download Apps for Kids
A new study by the San Francisco-based non-profit group Common Sense Media found that affluent parents download apps specifically for their young children more than parents of lesser financial means do. Deemed the “app gap,” researchers found almost half of families with incomes above $75,000 had downloaded such apps, compared with only one in eight families earning less than $30,000. Lower-income