Don’t Forget to Renew Your New York Pistol Permit
If you are a pistol permit holder in the State of New York then it's time to start thinking about renewing it.
Recent changes to the New York State Penal Law require license holders to re-certify every five years. Now, State Police have created an easy way online for permit holders to apply for re-certification.
If you were issued a pistol or revolver license before January 15th, 2013, you must complete the process before January 31st, 2018. Failure to re-certify will serve as a basis for revocation of the license.
As part of the re-certification process, licensees must affirm that they are not prohibited from possessing firearms under state and federal law, and must also confirm certain personal information, as well as provide details about the pistols and/or revolvers they own.
To renew your permit visit the special website set up by New York State Police.