Griffo Bill Extending Benefits For Volunteer Firefighters Passes Senate
The state Senate has once again passed Senator Joseph Griffo's legislation that would expand medical coverage for volunteer firefighters who are diagnosed with various forms of cancer linked to their jobs.
Griffo's legislation would extend the existing Volunteer Firefighters' Benefit Law to cover more types of cancer.
This is the third year in a row the Senate has passed the bill, but the Assembly has failed to take action each year. Griffo is urging the Assembly and Governor to finally approve the legislation.
Griffo said: “It is heartbreaking to see our volunteer firefighters and their families experience so much suffering while coping with cancer, after all they sacrificed to protect our homes and lives from devastating fires. These selfless men and women in our communities volunteer for the fire service for all the right reasons because they want to keep us safe, without ever imagining the painful price they may pay years later after being exposed to such toxic substances. I am proud to have pushed for this legislation in the Senate on behalf of all our volunteer firefighters, and I hope that the Assembly and Governor will finally join us in providing these volunteers with the support and protections they deserve.”
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