Irish Center Board Atty: Construction Delay Due To Money Woes
Utica, NY (WIBX) - The project came to a halt last August and the attorney representing the Irish Cultural Community Center Board, says they're working diligently to resume construction. Peter Karl says they simply need more money. He says right now they're waiting to get final word from a potential investor.
Some in the community raised concerns when a group of Board members attended a Seminar on Festivals in Ireland, that was partially paid for by the Board, however Karl says the 2011 trip was necessary.
The annual local festival, The Great American Irish Festival--a major fundraising event for the project--brought in 5-percent less money this year according to Karl. He says it was primarily due to bad weather. The project is estimated to cost about $2-million, and Karl says so far they're roughly half-million into it.
The project came to a halt in August 2011, after a company, hired to design the building's steel framework raised concerns about the structural integrity of the building. Officials with the project have denied the allegations.