Keeler in AM- Tim Julian Blasts Opponents Over Independence Party Challenge
Former Utica Mayor and Independence Party Executive Secretary Tim Julian blasted opponents on Monday during First News with Keeler in the Morning.
Julian recently passed paperwork through the Board of Elections to endorse Council President Frank Meola and At-Large Candidate Jack LoMedico placing them on the Independence line in the November election. That endorsement was challenged at the State Supreme Court on Friday. Utica Councilman Frank Vescera is challenging Meola in November and former councilman Jim Zecca is believed to be challenging LoMedico for the at-large seat.
Julian did not hold anything back during his interview with Keeler:
- He talked about the allegations of Jim Zecca and Frank Vescera.
- Defended the endorsements of LoMedico and Meola for the City Council.
- Addressed the signatures by Tim as Secretary and Chair, as well as the voice mail left on Zecca's answering machine.
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