Keeler Show Notes for Friday, March 18th, 2016
Friday, March 18th, 2016
6 AM Hour
The NCAA tourney is underway.
We talk politics. We talk Trump. Keeler says "Mainstream Conservative" is a term you will be more of in this election cycle.
Not since Jeopardy (sorry, Kristine) has there been a quiz as exciting as this one. It is the Donald Trump quiz. Who knows more about The Donald? Monaski and Andrew compete for bragging rights.
Pre-colored eggs? They are available now at Hannaford. Keeler's wife - and Kristine - have a problem with them. What do you think about them? It is our WIBX Question of the Day.
Willie Waffle, however, does not. Willie Waffle is on to review this week's movies: "Allegiant," the latest in "The Divergent" series. He gives "Allegiant" half a waffle. He gives Jennifer Garner's "Miracles from Heaven." He gives it two and a half waffles.
7 AM Hour
Tim Reed talks about the HBO series "Vinyl" with Keeler. Keeler makes note of the fact that the music industry has changed drastically over the past few decades.
The Boilermaker Road Race's Tim Reed to talk about race registration.
Today is the last day for advance registration for those who ran last year. Charity bibs are still available. Open registration for the 2016 race begins Saturday, March 19, 2016 at noon.
Will MMA be legalized in New York State? Keeler says State Senator Joseph Griffo and Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi believe it will be passed. Assemblywoman Deborah J. Glick is on and says that she opposes mixed martial arts, citing concerns about head injuries. "It's not just a contact sport; it's a combat sport." She says that is is described as a career path for youngsters and potentially curtailing - or lessening the quality of - their lives.
Republican Congressional candidate Steven Wells joins us in his first radio interview. The Cazenovia resident is a small business owner and has been a Republican fundraiser for several years. His website is: He says that he chose the campaign name because he is running for the security of families and the area.
Wells is a former prosecutor and a founding partner of American Food and Vending. He is the candidate endorsed by the Oneida County GOP over Oneida County native and Republican candidate Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney. They are running for the seat being vacated by the retiring Congressman Richard Hanna.
He says that Rep. Hanna was correct to vote not to shut down the government in the latest budget debate. He does not support taxpayer funding for abortion but says that he also thinks that government's involvement in a person's life should be limited.
He says he is not worried about a learning curve. He says, that Washington, D.C. needs more business people there. "The professional politicians are just not getting it done."
He answers a question from caller Tim about the current state of the Republican party.
Duff Holmes, Matt Hamill's former trainer, joins us to talk about the possibility that MMA will be legalized.
Holmes talks about Eric Mendiola, whom he sees as an up and comer in the MMA world.
Holmes talks about the business aspects of MMA and ramifications of legalization for the UFC.
8 AM Hour
The are dozens of headlines today all centering around Donald Trump. Keeler says that they are all different stories wtih unique subject matter.
A friend of the show, Utica Mack's Will Michaels, is in to talk about the illness that is changing his life.
Michaels has been diagnosed with avascular necrosis, a disease that is potentially debilitating.
Rabbi Didy Waks joins us to talk about the Purim holiday and we coerce him to discuss politics - a bit. The Rabbi will be a part of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington, D.C.
Arnie Rothschild, a spokesperson for the Republican Assembly Campaign Committee, talks politics. He says thatte GOP members of the Assembly speak for upstate New York. He is critical of Assemblyman William "Bill" Magee, whom he says "Feels the Bern," i.e. supports Vermont Senator and self-described social democrat Bernie Sanders. Of Magee's actions in the Assembly Rothschild charges that, "...Bill is sticking a pitchfork in the backs of farmers upstate..."
Asked whether the national campaign is affecting local races, Rothschild says, "You can't fix the Assembly with the same people who broke it to begin with."
Tom from Utica tried his hand at our Hobika Law Firm Free Money Question of the Day. He walks away without the money but wins dinner at Carmella's.