Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Peter Franklin is the Gabby Cabby. He delivers his True Tales from NYC today as he does every week. We also talk with him about the recent terror attack.
7 AM Hour
- Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara and Assistant DAs Mike Coluzza, Laurie Lisi and Stacey Scotti are on this morning to talk about Prosecuting Kaitlyn Conley.
8 AM Hour
- Jay Groah is with the Landmarks Society of Greater Utica and he's on to talk about the organization's stance on the Downtown Hospital. They are for the St. Luke's Hospital location for the new hospital.
- Nicholas Wan is a former candidate for Congress in the 22nd Congressional district. He missed a fund-raising goal and he explains his decision to pull the plug.