Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

***Today’s Topics***
- What items can you recycle and which should you throw out?
- The Little Falls council voted on whether or not golf karts will be allowed on the streets of Little Falls.
- Coming up we will talk to Sandra Doorley, Monroe County District Attorney, who prosecuted Clayton Whittemore. This is a terrible tragedy and there were some gut wrenching moments in the courthouse yesterday.
- Jeff gives us an update on the Vescera/Zecca hearing and what the status is of that. We will talk with the attorney, James Walsh, for Zecca and Vesecera to explain the process.
- One of the biggest questions of this case with Zecca and Vescera is who pays for their attorney?
- We will talk with Steve McMurray from WKTV about their set later this morning.
- A double-Decker bus in Times Square crashed causing injuries for 14 people yesterday.
- Terrible story out of Afghanistan yesterday 12 people killed including a Two-Star General.
- Jenna Harmon and Alex Smith are being charged with child abuse for keeping a child in a cage! They could face up to 20 years. Is that enough?
- We play some audio from some tourists and witnesses talking about the double-Decker bus accident.
- Bill wants a listener to call up and answer what they think the medieval weapon (Mace/Morning Star) is.
- A 22-year-old female was drunk in New York City in a car and she was attacked by a snake!
- There was a robbery involving a mace which is why Bill asked that question.
Ray Stagich - The Weather Channel
- Ray gives us a local forecast and then talks about some of the national weather stories including Hawaii and the Florida hurricane drought.
Peter Franklin - True Tales From NYC
- Peter is the last English speaking cab driver in New York. He is on today to give us his weekly true tales from NYC.
- Peter gives us a little bit more detail about the double-Decker bus accident. He claims that one of the bus drivers involved was drunk.
- Peter gives us a story about Wal-Mart and the possibility of a store being put in to NYC.
- He talks about the Preet Bharara and his investigation of corrupt government.
- See more of what we talked with Peter about at www.gabby.com.
Jamie Tuttle - Oneida/Herkimer Solid Waste Authority
- Jamie is on to give some recycling tips and we have a little fun with it.
- Plastic Grocery bags and bags like bread bags and zip-lock bags are not recyclable on your curb but you can bring them to the grocery store.
- You can not recycle Styrofoam. There is not market for it.
- Plastic containers that screw drivers come in and other tools (rigid plastic packaging) is not recyclable, it's a trash item.
- The only things that are plastic you can recycle are bottles, containers or cups. The only exception is pill bottles and motor oil containers.
- You should not recycle frozen food boxes. If they get wet they will not fall apart and when they recycle cardboard they want it to break down.
- For more information about recycling visit the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority website at http://www.ohswa.org/.
Greeley Ford - Classified
- Greeley is in to talk about how the reunion of Classified is going and they are promoting a show they have in Frankfort tonight.
- He gives us a rundown of all the current band members and there are 10 people in this band. Even the Beatles struggled with 4 and Yoko.
- The Stanley show was the first time they have played in a long time. We get nostalgic with Greeley about the first performance and how they had been practicing for years before their first show and their first show caught them off guard.
- Tonight in Frankfort they will be playing at the St. Francis Pavillion Center from 7-9.
- The interview with Sandra Doorley will be difficult of course sentencing occurred yesterday for Clayton Whittemore.
- We once again discuss this confusing and complex case of Frank Vescera and Jim Zecca and their signature debacle.
- Kristine has a story about Millennials and how people are saying they are narcissists. Is it the upbringing? Does social media play a role?
- If you want to know if someone is a narcissist, just ask. Scottie Pippen demonstrates this in the newest Foot Locker commercial.
Sandra Doorley - Monroe County District Attorney
- Sandra is the one who prosecuted Clayton Whittemore for the murder of Alex Kogut.
- In all her years of practicing law, this was the most difficult case she's ever worked on.
- She is content with the sentence, because it is the maximum sentence he could have gotten.
- She said that it was the first time she ever heard a judge tell Alex's family to go to every parole hearing.
- We ask her opinion of the abuse of Clayton by his father.
- She gives details about his statements and testimony. We ask her about any drugs or substances that possibly came out that could have resulted in this. They were drinking that night and he admitted to Marijuana use.
James Walsh - Zecca/Vescera Attorney
- We ask him if we could see some resolution on this today and he doesn't know because the Board of Election has not been giving him (Mr. Walsh) the documents to review, where as Frank Meola has had full access. He asked for these documents last Thursday.
- Mr. Walsh points out that this is a unique case because usually board of election members give full cooperation to have the election run smoothly, not in this case.
- He gives us the update on where they are at with signatures and how many they need to validate. If they get 63 more signatures validated, then Zecca and Vescera will be on the ballot in November.
- If he had the information and documentation he asked for initially, it would have been done Monday.
- A 5-year-old kid in Pennsylvania steals the microphone from a news reporter at a fair. Check out the video in the story on our website: http://wibx950.com/cute-kid-loves-saying-apparently-during-fantastic-tv-interview/.
- They did a follow up interview with the kid and it's the saddest thing because he said apparently again and said he failed.
- We play the report from a news station in Baltimore about the man getting mugged by a Medieval weapon. That weapon was a mace/morning star.
Steve McMurray - WKTV
- Steve is the General Manager at WKTV and they have a brand new set!
- Steve asks for our honest opinions on the new set and we talk about how excited Bill Kardas is.
- We address the issue of the fact that it's a little dark and Steve says that once a few things get replaced and once they go to Hi-Definition, the set will pop and the lighting issue will be resolved.
- Part of the HD upgrade will involve a new weather system and that will be really exciting and they are anticipating that being early in 2015. They will also be changing over to a tape-less shooting and editing software.
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