Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
Today we speak with our favorite NYC tour guide Peter Franklin. We will also speak with Jennifer Shefflied who is a former bus driver in the Adirondack School district who claims there is illegal activity going on. We will also speaker with the founder of FarmersOnly.com, Jerry Miller.
***Today’s Topics***
- This morning it was 11 degrees and it felt actually warm and Bill gets into the issue of net neutrality.
- We discuss high definition and the world of television today!
- Bill discovers a video of the musical bottles and he feels it sounds a little too good to be true.
What do you think?
- We also get our Weather Channel forecast from meteorologist Ray Stagich!
Peter Franklin - The Gabby Cabby
- Peter delivers his True Tales from The Big Apple. For a full list visit http://gabby.com.
- We're going to play a little musical contest for a nice prize package. Bill plays a quick intro to a song and you have to guess who sings it and the title. Chuck calls up with a guess and is incorrect and we continue to talk about Net Neutrality.
- We take some calls on the issue of net neutrality.
Jennifer Sheffield - Former Adirondack Bus Driver
- Before we get to Jennifer we take some more calls on net neutrality. Jennifer is a former Adirondack School District bus driver and she claims she was fired because of the fact that she wouldn't stay quiet on issues she saw at the bus garage.

- The Weather is going to be great for the St. Patrick's Day Parade and the Heart Run & Walk and Bill brings up again the net neutrality. John calls up to give his thoughts on the issue.
Jerry Miller - Founder of FarmersOnly.com
- Jerry is the founder and owner of the dating website FarmersOnly.com and he talks about how he came up with the idea for the site.
Laura Ahearn - Appellate Court Decision On Sex Offenders
- Laura is the Executive Director of Parents of Megan's Law and she is on to give her thoughts on the court of appeals in New York to overturn rezoning decisions of sex offenders.
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