Law Enforcement Building Officially Renamed In Wyman’s Honor
Oriskany, NY (WIBX) - The official renaming ceremony of the Oneida County Law Enforcement Building, in honor of fallen Deputy, Kurt Wyman, took place this morning in Oriskany. Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol explains why it took so long to unveil the plaque: "Legislation was passed actually a few months ago by the Board of Legislators, officially changing the name, and at the same time we ordered the plaque for the wall--a beautiful plaque with his face on it--and it took quite a length of time to actually have the plaque made, that's why there was a delay from when the legislation passed until the plaque was ready." The plaque arrived last week.
Wyman was killed in the line of duty in June 2011 during a domestic dispute that turned into a 6-hour stand-off in the Town of Augusta. Sheriff Maciol says the renaming dedication in Deputy Wyman's honor is fitting. "It is our obligation to ensure that future generations know who Kurt Wyman is, they know the ultimate sacrifice that he made protecting the people of Oneida County...we need to make sure they never forget the actions he took that day to keep our community safe," he said.
Wyman's father, Brian Wyman says the dedication will help keep his son's memory alive. "It's a remembrance for everybody coming into this building, even in the future; new deputies, they won't necessarily know the story of what went on...it'll bring pause to ask so, it's a remembrance of right now, it's a remembrance for twenty years from now." Wyman goes on to says that he hopes his son's tragic death serves as a reminder that law enforcement officials have a dangerous job protecting the community. "You know, I think it goes a little bit beyond Kurt and there ought to be more awareness about what they put on the line everyday," he said.
The ceremony was attended by many local officials, including County Executive Anthony Picente who spoke during the event. The long awaited plaque now sits permanently at the main entrance to the Deputy Kurt B. Wyman Law Enforcement Building.
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